Nina's Textile Trail

My OCA Textile Tales

Part 4 – Textile Structures – Project 9 Woven Structures

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Ref: Assignment 4 – A3 Workbook page 18

Using the small loom I received as part of my Introduction to weaving workshop, I enthusiastically warped up with white linen to continue my experimentation.  I didn’t read the course notes first or understand the concept of ‘ends per inch’.  Warped in the manner shown at the workshop, the piece has 108 ends whereas the manual suggests 40 ends!  I had completed the piece before I read the instructions more carefully.  However, I did practice a number of techniques.


Materials used include various bits of acrylic yarn, an 80%nylon, 20% wool rug yarn and some double knitting shetland wool.

From the left, I experimented with a curved weft, Ghiordes knot, knotted continuously, using a piece of wooden dowel as a guide rod, creating triangles, pick on pick giving an interrupted line of colour extending part way across the weave, the soumak technique to produce a change in the surface structure, creating a ‘valley’ for the lighter blue by weaving the ‘cradle (outside area) first, some more ghiordes knot, knotting continuosly, using a ruler as a guide rod.  The lilac area to the right of large ghiordes loops is woven with a crocheted chain which only had the effect of a slightly rougher texture and wasn’t really noticeable once woven.  The cut ghiordes knots were woven with individual pieces of rug wool mixing different proportions of colour.  Obscured by the cut knots is another area of soumak and some ‘mock tapestry’ or ‘clasped weft’.

I enjoyed experimenting with the different techniques and particularly like the curved weft and the continuously knotted ghiordes knots  and the subtle interrupted lines of dark purple in the lilac in the bottom left quadrant.

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